Finding Meaning

Parth Raghav,

the more information i compress,
the more conclusions i draw.
the more i learn, the less i know.
i paddle in the cold waters of paranoia,
painting an unfinished picture of this world.
with pins and threads inside my head,
grab complexity by its neck.
what are you, i ask, what do i become?
i want to predict, if only for a split-second,
the next state of the world,
to glance at the algorithm that runs under,
the objective to which my will surrenders.
the chaos, so beautiful,
the emergence, so powerful.
simplicity, if you search for it, is at the grave of life, waiting.
perhaps, if i spend my time measuring
i can't truly live a life of meaning.

a human trying to understand the world
is like a neuron trying to understand the brain…
cog of a wheel trying to undermine a running train...
a defeated purpose, run over many times,
but a purpose with meaning...
so happiness is perhaps the baton passed to defeat from believing.

oh, happy is a man
in the shut-eye of microscopic living.
i'm blithely sad, if this is who i am,
for i'm taken to the dope of finding meaning.

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