Kind of Lover I Am

Parth Raghav,

        I’m not a half seeking his other half,
nor a drought disguised as rain.
        I am not a moon falling into your orbit,
nor a puzzle piece waiting to be placed.
        If I'm a flower, my heart's not set on a bee.
and If I'm a needle, I'm not bound to an old timepiece.
        I'd tell you what kind of lover I am,
but only through the lens of lovers I've had.
        I’m the worn-out words holding mirrors,
that if sit magically on your rhyme scheme,
we could be lovers.
        I’m a sweet melody to my ears,
together if we sing in harmony,
we could be lovers.
        I’m a solo traveler in the night,
and if i don’t refuse your two extra eyes,
we could be lovers.
        I’m a lone star emitting light.
in gravity, if we collapse into a twin-star system,
we could be lovers.
        If we can make love to each other,
without losing ourselves in the mixture,
we could be lovers.
        If in wanting to need each other,
we don't begin needing to want each other,
we could be lovers.
        If we don’t stitch ourselves together,
with material possessions,
shortchanging our freedom for the fleeting forever,
we could be lovers.
That, my new friend, is the kind of lover I am.

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